dance piece

“A dance piece that makes a grotesque portrait of the post-Internet society and generation based on three representative concepts: workout, screen and computer programming; exposing some of the traumas and generational frustrations on stage..”

Direction and Choreography Guillem Jiménez Movement Asistant Carla Moll Performance Alexa Moya, Carla Moll, Guillem Jiménez, Jaume Clotet, Javi Valls, Judit Amengual, Laia Camps, Meritxell de Soto, Ona Cros, Stefano de Luca, Marina Olivares & Vera Palomino Original music and sound design DA ROCHA Set and lighting  Oriol Corral Media art Guillem Jiménez Costume design Gina Berenguer Extrenal view Claudia Mirambell Grafic design and animation Aina Mira Logo Design Eduard Taberner Agent of producction Blanca Sartorius Producción Anastàtica Cultural - Muntsa Roca Artistic Intership Gabriel Levie Trailer Johann Pérez Pictures Pablo de Pastor Coproduccion CCCB, laSADCUM, ELAMOR With the support of Dansa Metropolitana, Centre Cívic Barceloneta, Ayudas Creación Injuve, La Caldera, OSIC Generalitat de Catalunya & Graner Thanks to Pol Jiménez, Fito Conesa, Amalia S. de Nieves, Miquel Sánchez, Col·lectiu HIRU & participantes del crowdfunding.

Pics by Pablo de Pastor

Cápsulas ACLUCALLS (2022)

dance show

The Cápsulas ACLUCALLS are site speficic adaptations of the piece. They work as a bonus track of ACLUCALLS, and every “càpsula” is deferent, no just in the scenic space, but also with the performers and the chorepgraphic material. Extra chapters. 

Pic by Pep Herrero